Environmental Advisory Council Ordinance
Section 7 of the EAC Ordinance gives the EAC the following powers:
1) Identification of environmental problems in Pike Township.
2) Identification of environmentally sensitive areas in Pike Township
3) Identification of natural resources and natural features in Pike Township
4) Making recommendations for plans and programs to appropriate agencies for the protection and conservation of natural resourced and natural features.
5) Making recommendations for the protection of and improvement of the quality of the environment in Pike Township.
6) Identification and indexing of all open space, in any form of ownership.
7) Making recommendations for the possible uses of open space areas in Pike Township.
8) Promote community environmental protection, preservation and conservation programs and activities.
9) Advise the Pike Township Board of Supervisors regarding the acquisition of property, both real and personal.
10) To undertake such environmental tasks as requested by the Pike Township Board of Supervisors.