The Environmental Advisory Council (EAC) is a 5 member council appointed by the Board of Supervisors. Each member serves a three year term. The Environmental Advisory Council meets on the 2nd Monday of every month at 7:30 p.m. at the Pike Township Building.

Richard Hoh, Chairman

Gene Pavitt, Vice Chair

Jim Pentz, Secretary

Dave Kida, Member

Jaap van Liere, Member

We are always looking for non-voting Associate EAC members who are interested in assisting with EAC projects. Please contact the Township Secretary at if you are interested in serving as an Associate EAC member.

Pike Township's Environmental Advisory Council was created by ordinance on March 5, 2002.

Environmental Advisory Council Ordinance

Section 7 of the EAC Ordinance gives the EAC the following powers:

1) Identification of environmental problems in Pike Township.

2) Identification of environmentally sensitive areas in Pike Township

3) Identification of natural resources and natural features in Pike Township

4) Making recommendations for plans and programs to appropriate agencies for the protection and conservation of natural resourced and natural features.

5) Making recommendations for the protection of and improvement of the quality of the environment in Pike Township.

6) Identification and indexing of all open space, in any form of ownership.

7) Making recommendations for the possible uses of open space areas in Pike Township.

8) Promote community environmental protection, preservation and conservation programs and activities.

9) Advise the Pike Township Board of Supervisors regarding the acquisition of property, both real and personal.

10) To undertake such environmental tasks as requested by the Pike Township Board of Supervisors.

Pollinator Garden

In 2013, as part of Pike Township's 200th Anniversary celebration, the Environmental Advisory Council began the establishment of a pollinator garden in the township park. Honey bees, native bees, butterflies and other pollinators are in decline in North America due to habitat loss, disease, pesticides and other factors. Creating new habitat for our pollinators is one way we can help support the recovery of these insects that we all depend upon. Here is an information flyer that goes into more detail on Pike Township's pollinator garden project. Contact the Township Secretary if you would like to help.

Significant Features Inventory

Have you ever wondered what that colorful wildflower or unusual tree is that is growing on your property? Pike Township is fortunate to have an abundance of natural treasures including exceptional value streams, wetlands, rocky ridges, prime farmland and diverse woodland habitats.

Members of the Pike Township Environmental Advisory Council may be able to help you identify and learn more about the unique plants, animals, and habitats that you have on your land. Please contact the Township Secretary for more information.

Spotted Salamander Migration

Be on the lookout for Spotted Salamanders on Pike Township roads in late February through early March, as they migrate from their woodland homes to their spring breeding pools during the first rainy nights in late winter when temperatures begin to warm up. Click here for a Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission article on spotted salamander biology.

EAC Activities

On October 22, 2011 the Pike Township Environmental Advisory Council planted some young trees along the banks of the Oysterville Creek at the Pike Township Sportsmen's Club to help improve the health of the stream. As these trees grow, they will provide more shade for the stream, cooling the water and improving the stream habitat for fish and other aquatic animals.