Pike Township Emergency Management is always looking for Volunteers. Here are some reasons Local Emergency Management are required:

In accordance with Title 35, each municipality must have a local emergency management coordinator and

an up to to-date emergency operations plan.


  • Municipal Associate Certification
  • Municipal Professional Certification


  • Winter Storm (severe)
  • Drought
  • Temperature Extremes
  • Flooding
  • Tornado/ Hurricane
  • Wildfire


  • Dam Failure
  • Hazardous Materials Incident
  • Radiological Incident
  • Transportation Accidents
  • Power Outages
  • Urban Fire

Volunteering as an Pike Township Emergency Management member has benefits:

1. Free training – County training is available as well as online training.

2. Limited time is required to help your local community. Monthly training and/or Drills.

3. Meet people in our community volunteering time to help the community.

If you are interested in being part of Pike Township Emergency Management feel free to reach out to me or the Township Secretary (Cynthia Lastauckas 610-987-6023).

Thank you,

Sal DiPippa (610-468-8012)
Deputy EM Coordinator Earl Township/Acting Pike Township EM Coordinator
pktownship@gmail.com or emergencymanagement@earltwpberks.com